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Journey of Empowerment

Journey of Empowerment

她是否在帮助学生驾驭他们的教育旅程和职业道路, or advocating for those in underrepresented communities, Alejandra Anastas ’20 is passionate about helping others. 通过她在vnsr威尼斯城官网登入的职业工作室担任职业和实习教练的工作, 阿纳斯塔斯能够将这种激情融入到她与学生的日常互动中. A Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient, 阿纳斯塔斯知道第一代学生面临的挑战, 这让她非常适合陪伴他们探索未来的机会.

她希望能激励其他人不顾一切障碍去追求自己的梦想. For Anastas, education is a transformative tool, 她还致力于帮助其他人获得成功所需的机会和资源.

很多年轻人都在质疑他们是否应该上大学. What made you decide to pursue your degree?

“作为一名非传统的学生,我在26岁时决定重返校园. 而我热爱我的保姆工作,也非常珍惜那段经历, I knew I had the potential to achieve more. Pursuing a degree was always a dream of mine, and when the opportunity to attend college finally arose, I knew I couldn't let it slip away.

“从小到大,我在美国的未来常常感到不确定. However, I realized that no matter what happened, my education was something no one could ever take from me. 这是一个坚实的基础,使我能够为自己创造更美好的未来. This understanding drove my decision to pursue a degree, and it continues to motivate the work that I do today.”

How did you decide upon vnsr威尼斯城官网登入?

vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 had always been on my radar. My best friend from middle school attended vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, 在她本科期间,我经常和她一起参加校园活动. 虽然我很享受在校园里的时光,但当时我觉得大学并不适合我. However, my friend always encouraged me to consider vnsr威尼斯城官网登入.

“转折点出现在我参加了大卫·布鲁克(David Brooker)关于迪士尼公主的模拟联合国(Model UN)模拟活动时. 那次经历深深吸引了我,让我看到了阿尔维诺教育的潜力. 有趣的是,我最终选择阿尔弗诺的原因正是我朋友强调的:非传统的学习方法, the emphasis on the 8 abilities, the smaller class sizes, and the flexibility to shape my education to meet my needs. 这些因素使我确信,阿尔维诺是我攻读学位的理想之地.”

Talk about your experience as a first-gen student. What hurdles did you face, and how did you overcome them?

“As a first-generation student, 我的旅程充满了重大的挑战和显著的成长. 作为一名非法移民的成长经历使我的经历更加复杂. Without a family history of higher education, I lacked access to guidance on navigating the educational system, from applying to colleges to understanding financial aid. To overcome this, I sought out mentors and resources, 与辅导员和顾问联系,他们提供了我需要的支持.

“Financial barriers were another major hurdle, especially since I was ineligible for federal financial aid. 为了攒学费,我做过各种各样的工作,从保姆到法律助理. I was privileged to have received DACA before coming to vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, opening up more opportunities for work and financial assistance. 我还申请了专门为无证学生提供的奖学金.

“无证身份给我带来了巨大的情感和心理压力, making it difficult to focus solely on academics. I found strength in community support and my family, 参与社区组织和宣传,将我的焦虑转化为积极的行动. 平衡学业责任、工作和家庭责任需要很强的时间管理能力和家人的支持, who valued my educational pursuits.

“我的经历塑造了我对社会正义和倡导的热情. In my current role, I leverage my background to support students, 特别是那些没有证件或来自类似背景的人. My journey as a first-gen student taught me resilience, determination, and the importance of community, 激发了我为子孙后代创造一个更公平的环境的愿望.”

Why do you think it’s important for women to get an education?

“Education is a fundamental tool for empowerment, and for women, 它不仅对塑造他们的未来,而且对塑造更广泛的社会结构具有特别重要的意义.

“在我个人的人生历程中,教育一直是一股变革的力量. 作为一个无证移民和第一代学生,我面临着无数的挑战. However, pursuing higher education opened doors I never thought possible, allowing me to advocate for myself and my community. I now support other students, particularly women and undocumented individuals, 帮助他们导航自己的教育道路,充分发挥他们的潜力.

“In essence, 妇女受教育产生的涟漪效应不仅有利于个人,也有利于家庭, communities, and entire nations. By investing in women's education, we are investing in a more equitable, prosperous, and just world for everyone.”


“When I first arrived at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 College, I was a determined yet uncertain individual, navigating the complexities of my identities. My journey to higher education was extremely challenging, 从经济上的困难到生活在不断被驱逐出境的恐惧中的心理压力. At that time, I was full of hope but also anxiety, 我不知道如何在一个让我感觉像个骗子的环境中取得成功.

“我背负着家人牺牲的重担,也渴望充分利用DACA最终给我的机会. Despite my determination, 我缺乏很多同龄人认为理所当然的自信和资源, 但我内心深处对学习的热情和回馈社区的愿望激励着我.

“现在,作为一名毕业生和职场人士,我已经彻底改变了自己. 我在vnsr威尼斯城官网登入的时间不仅为我提供了坚实的学术基础,而且还有一个支持我的社区,培养了我的成长和适应能力. I have evolved into a confident advocate and educator, 致力于为面临类似挑战的其他国家塑造一个更加公平的世界.

“我在阿尔弗诺的经历使我具备了支持和指导学生的技能和知识, particularly those who have similar experiences to mine. I have found my voice and my place within the community, using my background to inspire and empower others. My journey has taught me the importance of resilience, community, and the transformative power of education.

“Ultimately, 阿尔弗诺帮助我从一个充满不确定性的学生转变为一个领导者和倡导者, 致力于为下一代学生提供机会和支持.”

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